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Classes & Times


PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary to pre-book your place.
However, enquiries are welcome on 07927 383122 or email me at:

In addition to my group classes below, I also offer private line dance lessons.
Please contact me for more information.

Periodically I will be offering free taster sessions of the classes.
Check out my events page here for any upcoming 'try before you buy' sessions! 



7.00 - 8.30pm

Ability level: Sessions are now mixed ability and progressive starting with absolute beginners from 7pm 

​January special offer: 

£5 per session and bring a newbie for free!


UTTOXETER Wilfred House

7.00 - 8.30pm

Ability level: Sessions are now mixed ability and progressive starting with absolute beginners from 7pm 

​January special offer: 

£5 per session and bring a newbie for free!



7.00 - 8.30pm

Ability level: Sessions are now mixed ability and progressive starting with absolute beginners from 7pm 

​January special offer: 

£5 per session and bring a newbie for free!

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 Line Dancing Level Descriptions 


Absolute Beginner (AB)

AB level is suitable for those learning to dance for the first time. This includes no previous experience of any dance genre. You will learn how to dance in time to the rhythm and beat of the music. This level will also give you a basic understanding of how to line dance, dance floor etiquette and you will learn the correct terminology of the basic steps introduced. 

The routines taught contain simple and short step sequences such as on-the-spot steps (heel digs, toe touches, stomps, kicks), and travelling steps such as step touches and walks which can move forwards, backwards, diagonally and sideways. Turns will be minimised to one such as a quarter or half turn and will be simple to execute. The pace of the music is moderate and either a 4/4 or 3/4 (waltz) beat. Dances will not contain half counts (syncopations), tags (add-ons) or restarts during a routines. 


Beginner (BEG) 

This level is suitable for those who have some previous dance experience and will build upon the skills learned at AB level. Additional step patterns will be introduced and the choreography will include syncopation steps such as shuffles, chasse, triple, sailor and coaster steps. Routines can have more content and turns (no more than two) and be from 32-48 counts. The turns can also be in different directions. Simple tags and restarts to fit the phrasing of a song may also be introduced. There will be new dance rhythms such as the Cha Cha, Charleston, Salsa and Rumba and you will start to get a greater feel for the music as you dance. 


Improver (IMP) 

Dance experience is required to master this level of ability. At improver level dance routines can be up to 64 counts, but on average they are around 32-48 counts and will be more technical with more turns and content. For example, there may be variations on steps learned at previous levels with the addition of pauses, syncopations and changes of rhythm that reflect different timings and styling. Tags and restarts may also feature. This level is a popular level to dance at. 


Intermediate (INT) 

At intermediate level you will be an accomplished line dancer, having mastered a comprehensive range of step sequences, rhythms and styles. More advanced turning techniques, syncopations, pauses and body styling to suit the music and dance genre is performed. Routines can have any number of counts and can be more than 64 counts with additional bridges and tags. This is a popular dance level and offers new techniques and challenges and once mastered can be a very pleasing experience/achievement.


Advanced (ADV) 

If you are an accomplished line dancer and like a challenge then this level is for you. Routines can be very complex and technical and require all your skills and prowess as a dancer to master the choreography. This is where you cross over from social dancing to performing. It will definitely showcase your skills and you can expect to gain an attentive and appreciative audience. 

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